
01. Police had to [evacuate] the building because of a bomb scare.
02. The office tower was well-organized for emergencies, so [evacuation] of the entire building only took about 5 minutes.
03. The embassy is working to [evacuate] its staff from the country before the conflict gets any worse.
04. The school was [evacuated] after a fire broke out in the chemistry lab.
05. As flood waters rose, officials ordered residents to [evacuate] the area.
06. The [evacuation] of the city during the crisis was carried out with the aid of the military.
07. Police had very little time to [evacuate] the airport after a bomb threat was received.
08. Many buildings were damaged during the earthquake, so city officials ordered an immediate [evacuation] of the area hardest hit.
09. The workers had to be [evacuated] to a safe spot after the factory caught fire.
10. The school was [evacuated] after a student phoned in a bomb threat.
11. Many firemen and policemen were killed in the terrorist attack on the World Trade Center when the towers collapsed while they were trying to [evacuate] them.
12. There was a fire, and we had to [evacuate] the building.
13. If you live near a volcano, you need to be ready to [evacuate] at a moment's notice.
14. On April 17, 1946, the French [evacuated] their troops from Syria, and the country became a fully self-governing republic.
15. In 1974, 8,000 people had to be [evacuated] from their homes as floodwaters flowed through the main streets of Brisbane, Australia.
16. More than 250,000 people have been [evacuated] from areas around a rain-swollen lake in central China.
17. In 1957, nuclear wastes stored by the Soviet Union in a remote mountain region of the Urals exploded. Radioactive contamination affected thousands of square miles, and several villages had to be permanently [evacuated].
18. Our troops in Iraq should be [evacuated] to a safe zone.
19. We must [evacuate] if we hear the alarm.

Grammatical examples in English. 2013.

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  • Evacuate — E*vac u*ate, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Evacuated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Evacuating}.] [l. evacuatus, p. p. of evacuare to empty, nullify; e out + vacuus empty, vacare to be empty. See {Vacate}.] 1. To make empty; to empty out; to remove the contents of;… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Evacuate — E*vac u*ate, v. i. 1. To let blood [Obs.] Burton. [1913 Webster] 2. to expel stool from the bowels; to defecate. [PJC] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • evacuate — I verb abscond, absent oneself, break camp, clear out, decamp, depart, disappear, empty, escape, exit, flee, leave, leave empty, locum vacuefacere, make a departure, march out, move out, quit, remove, retreat, run away, send away, take flight,… …   Law dictionary

  • evacuate — UK US /ɪˈvækjueɪt/ verb [I or T] WORKPLACE ► to move people or to be moved from a dangerous place to somewhere safe: »be evacuated from sth »Fire broke out and all staff were evacuated from the building …   Financial and business terms

  • evacuate — 1520s, from L. evacuatus, pp. of evacuare to empty, make void, nullify, used by Pliny in reference to the bowels, used figuratively in L.L. for clear out, from ex out (see EX (Cf. ex )) + vacuus empty (see VACUUM (Cf. vacuum)). Earliest sense in… …   Etymology dictionary

  • evacuate — [v] clear an area; empty abandon, bail out*, cut out, decamp, depart, desert, discharge, displace, eject, expel, forsake, hightail, leave, move out, pack up, pull out, quit, relinquish, remove, run for the hills*, skidaddle*, vacate, withdraw;… …   New thesaurus

  • evacuate — ► VERB 1) remove from a place of danger to a safer place. 2) leave (a dangerous place). 3) technical remove air, water, or other contents from (a container). 4) empty (the bowels or another bodily organ). DERIVATIVES evacuation noun. ORIGIN …   English terms dictionary

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  • evacuate — verb ADVERB ▪ immediately ▪ safely, successfully ▪ medically (esp. AmE) ▪ 6 000 soldiers have been medically evacuated since the war began. VERB + EVACUATE …   Collocations dictionary

  • evacuate — [[t]ɪvæ̱kjueɪt[/t]] evacuates, evacuating, evacuated 1) VERB To evacuate someone means to send them to a place of safety, away from a dangerous building, town, or area. [V n] They were planning to evacuate the seventy American officials still in… …   English dictionary

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